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The Knowledge You Need to Know about CT (Computed Tomography)Scan-Part One

A CT (computed tomography) scan is an imaging test that helps health care providers detect disease and injury. It uses a series of X-rays and computers to create detailed images of bone and soft tissue. CT scans are painless and non-invasive. You may go to the hospital or imaging center for a CT scan because of some kind of illness. This article will introduce you to CT scanning in detail.

CT SCAN medical


What is a CT scan?

A CT (computed tomography) scan is an imaging test. Just like an X-ray, it can show the structures in your body. But instead of creating flat 2D images, CT scans take dozens to hundreds of images of the body. To get these images, the CT will take X-rays as it revolves around you.


Health care providers use CT scans to see what conventional X-rays can’t show. For example, body structures overlap on conventional X-rays, and many things are not visible. CT displays detailed information about each organ for a clearer, more precise view.


Another term for CT scan is CAT scan. CT stands for “computed Tomography,” while CAT stands for “computed axial tomography.” But the two terms describe the same imaging test.


What does a CT scan show?

A CT scan takes pictures of your:





Blood vessels.


What can CT scans detect?

CT scans help healthcare providers detect various injuries and diseases, including:


Certain types of cancer and benign (noncancerous) tumors.

Fractures (broken bones).

Heart disease.

Blood clots.

Bowel disorders (appendicitis, diverticulitis, blockages, Crohn’s disease).

Kidney stones.

Brain injuries.

Spinal cord injuries.

Internal bleeding.

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Preparation for a ct scan

Here are some general guidelines:


l Plan to arrive early. Your doctor will tell you when to keep your appointment.

l Do not eat for four hours before your CT scan.

l Drink only clear liquids (such as water, juice, or tea) in the two hours before your appointment.

l Wear comfortable clothing and remove any metal jewelry or clothing (note that anything containing metal is not allowed!). The nurse may provide a hospital gown.

Your doctor may use contrast material to highlight certain areas of your body on the scan. For a contrast CT scan, the operator will place an IV (intravenous catheter) and inject a contrast medium (or dye) into your vein. They may also give you a drinkable substance (such as a barium swallow) to protrude your intestines. Both can improve visibility of specific tissues, organs or blood vessels and help healthcare providers diagnose a variety of medical conditions. When you urinate, the intravenous contrast material is usually flushed from your system within 24 hours.



What follows are some additional preparation suggestions for a CT contrast scan:


Blood test: You may need a blood test before your scheduled CT scan. This will help your healthcare provider ensure that the contrast medium is safe to use.

Dietary restrictions: You will need to watch your diet four hours before your CT scan. Drinking only clear liquids can help prevent nausea while receiving contrast media. You can have broth, tea or black coffee, filtered juice, plain gelatin, and clear soft drinks.

Allergy medications: If you are allergic to the contrast medium used for CT (which contains iodine), you may need to take steroids and antihistamines the night before and the morning of surgery. Be sure to check with your healthcare provider and ask them to order these medications for you if needed. (The contrast agents for MRI and CT are different. Being allergic to one contrast agent does not mean you are allergic to the other.)

Preparing Solution: Oral contrast media solution should be consumed exactly as directed.


Specific operations in CT scan

During the test, the patient will usually lie on their back on a table (such as a bed). If the patient’s test requires it, the healthcare provider may inject contrast dye intravenously (into the patient’s vein). The dye can cause patients to feel flushed or have a metallic taste in their mouth.

CT Dual

When the scan starts:


The bed slowly moved into the scanner. At this point, the donut shape needs to remain as still as possible, as movement will blur the image.

The donut-shaped ones may also be asked to hold their breath for a short time, usually less than 15 to 20 seconds.

The scanner takes a donut-shaped picture of the area that healthcare providers need to see. Unlike MRI scans (magnetic resonance imaging scans), CT scans are silent.

After the inspection is completed, the workbench moves back outside the scanner.


CT scan duration

A CT scan usually takes about an hour. Most of the time is preparation. The scan itself takes less than 10 or 15 minutes. You can resume normal activities after your healthcare provider agrees – usually after they have completed the scan and made sure the image quality is good.


CT scan side effects

The CT scan itself usually does not cause side effects. But some people experience mild side effects from the contrast agent. These side effects may include nausea and vomiting, headache, and dizziness.

CT single


About LnkMed:

Since its establishment, LnkMed has been concentrating on the field of high-pressure contrast agent injectors. LnkMed’s engineering team is led by a Ph.D. with more than ten years of experience and is deeply engaged in research and development. Under his guidance, the CT single head injector, CT double head injector, MRI contrast agent injector, and Angiography high-pressure contrast agent injector are designed with these features: the strong and compact body, the convenient and intelligent operation interface, the complete functions, high safety, and durable design. We can also provide syringes and tube sthat are compatible with those famous brands of CT,MRI,DSA injectors With their sincere attitude and professional strength, all employees of LnkMed sincerely invite you to come and explore more markets together.


Post time: Apr-23-2024