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MRI Injection System Syringe tube NEMOTO SONIC SHOT 7 SHOT 50

Short Description:

Nemoto Sonic Shot GX & Shot 7 has been a commonly used product on the market. LnkMed supplies our customers who required this syringe kits.
They are designed with the ideal shape for maximum effectiveness. And they are capable of withstanding pressure for each application. The flexible tubes are resistant to clogging and breakage, delivering superior performance. Their transparency allows for easy bubble checks. Easy handling piston type allows simple installation and smooth scanning preparations.

Product Detail

Product Tags

Designed with optimal shape thus leads to better performance;
Can be easily detached or installed thanks to its convenient design
Provides the healthcare people with more accurate scale information thanks to its ultra-transparent material
2-60ml MRI Syringes
1-250cm coiled low pressure MRI Y-connecting tube with check valve
LnkMed is ready to answer your inquiries at any time and provides 24-hour reception service,we will work with you to select the appropriate products, create a blanket purchase order and schedule regular deliveries of any configuration and quantity of any angiographic syringes kit that you require.

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